Sunday, November 18, 2007

Who are you accountable to?

The other day after having what I would call a full day, the notion of accountability came to mind.
Now, I have had the privilege of hearing many gifted teachings on this subject. And often the subject boils down to finding one or two people in your life that you can trust and share what is going on in your life. With the desire that knowing that you will have to confess to your actions, this will keep you pure and honest. This of course means that you need to pick your accountability friends very carefully.
Now what really got me started on this subject is the notion that when you are self employed, which I am, and in many ways most artists are, many people take on the notion that they are really free from the boss mentality and there is a freedom to do as we please. And in many ways this is true. But, as a Christian trying to live a life that is both transparent and true to God's word, I am bound to a whole new list of accountability partners. Now in talking this concept through it was suggested that what I had was a good beginning for a piece of art. And that would be cool. But at this point I feel that a simple list will be just as effective. With all that said , here is my list of accountability partners.

When asked who am I personally accountable to, I as a Christian living in this world am compelled to answer with the following list:

My Wife
My Children
My Government in all of it's forms, both national and local.
My Accountant
My Bookkeeper
My Employees
My Customers
My Landlord
My Suppliers
My Bank
My Creditors
MY Neighbors
My Friends
The Poor and Forgotten
My Self

With all this said and on a lighter what gets you out of bed in the morning?
Have a happy Thanksgiving