Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Leaving the nest.

When a man decides to marry and share his whole life with one wife, there is nothing more beautiful than that. That is a rich and full time in his life. Then as time would have it we bring
children into the world and the next thing you know, you are now transformed by the grace of God into a family. Being a family brings different corporate responsibilities to us than just being
a married couple. Not to mention the daily drama that can sometimes occur.
I am writing about these things because our youngest, our son has just moved from home. Now by this I don't mean leaving the house to stay with friends in the next town over, I mean he has
taken it upon himself, to grab life and start to really live away from home. Now, New York City is really not that far from home but this brings us to the end of 28 years of teaching children daily almost, how to live. Either by example or by word. Not an easy task in this day and age. And as our youngest leaves our home for the great unknown, my wife and I, still with the greatest of love for each other, look at ourselves and sometimes shed a tear that an era has come to an end, and look to God in praise that we have done well. And wait, for farther instruction.
If a person were to ask me what advice would I give at the end of the day, I think I would have to just plain say, there is no blue print or instruction manual that comes with your child when we bring them into the world. Each day is new and different. Yes there are indeed things I wish we would not have done. But I have forgotten those things long ago so don't go asking. And yes there are things that happened because of other people in our lives that I wish my children did not have to deal with. But in the end God is in control of all that happens and when we raise our children up to him in prayer, he is listening. And it is God that rules the universe and our children's lives and ours. Only he knows what will be the next chapter in our lives and only he
knows what new mission field he will plant us in.
God bless you all who have been a part of the great adventure of our lives. There is more to come, I'm sure of that.
Jesus has Risen indeed.


batgirl said...

Ah. My heart aches with you. I can't imagine not having girls of various sizes in my house. Yes, God is in control. And you've done a good job. Love you guys.

ellehasuly said...

That day will come for me sooner than I am ready for it. It is a distant concept for me now, but I know that the day will come. Stand back and see what a great job you have done as he spreads his wings...

Cup o'joy
and a fresh taste of the bread of heaven...


withmysavior said...

this is special and precious... you have done well with us. i think bryan would agree.

i love you.
