Wednesday, July 4, 2007


So what really is freedom?
Where does freedom start? Where does it end? and who except our all mighty God can be trusted with the freedoms we hold dear to our hearts.
Can there be freedom with out rules ? I don't think so.
After having spent a full day with two boys 5 and 7 years old I learned a lot about freedom.
It was so much fun to dig in the dirt and play in the garden, play with the simple things that we have been given. Even a broken leaky hose became
a joy on a hot summer day.
But the day even with all the love and joy and freedom came with rules. No running in and out of the house. No hammers to the head. Stay where I can see you.
I think that that is the way that God feels about us.
These are my commandments. If you live by them then you can have all the freedom you desire. Well that seems O.K.. Right?
But the problem comes just as I found out the other day that the commandments seem easy enough, but then what about this and what about that.
And God says " I have told you how to live " and you will have plenty to do and you will be content. But then our flesh starts to itch and we begin to squirm and we see that the gate is open. Oh maybe it would be so nice to view things from the other side. Do I dare ? Who will notice.?
So what really is freedom.


batgirl said...

I like the no hammer to the head rule. Good thoughts on freedom. And why, oh why is that stinkin gate so tempting?

Unknown said...

Freedom is such a blessing...and yet our rebellion wants to go beyond the limits to where we are behind enemy lines and open targets. Praise to the Lord who's victory has paid the price for our rebellion and purchased our continued freedom.

ellehasuly said...

Freedom is the absence of bondage...on more than one level.
Ideally, we who are in Christ are free from past chains and are healing up from the scars of sin. Freedom is truly only found in Christ. All other offers of freedom fall short of His glorious sacrifice.

Have a cup o'joy,

Unknown said...

Hi Bob - This is the other half of Bill - LISA! I don't have my own account so I am using Bill's. I am a bit behind and am just catching up on your new blog after you told me about it on Sunday. So far I am really enjoying the reading. Thanks for blessing us and causing us to think! Really like your 4th of July thoughts. I am not much of a writer so it is great being able to read your writings and that of all our other artists at Calvary. See you on your blog! Lisa